Law Enforcement
If your case has gone cold, Investigative Genetic Genealogy has the power to produce new leads and reveal the identify of your suspect.
How does investigative genetic genealogy work?
The suspect’s DNA profile is uploaded to public genealogy databases in order to produce a list of genetic matches. From there, I use the latest genetic genealogy techniques to determine the identity of the suspect based on the amount of DNA they share with their matches.
How does investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) fit within the law enforcement process?
IGG is a lead generator. If your case is stuck, IGG can provide new leads. I will take your suspect’s closest DNA matches and determine their relationship to the suspect, working collaboratively with your investigators to narrow a list of suspects until only one remains.
How can my agency upload a forensic DNA sample to genealogy databases?
The DNA profile created in a crime lab is called an STR profile. While an STR profile is necessary for CODIS, these profiles cannot be uploaded to genealogy databases.
I will connect your agency to a forensic lab that can create an SNP profile, which can be uploaded to GedMatch and Family Tree DNA, the two databases currently cooperating with law enforcement investigations.

Services Provided

Most agencies considering investigative genetic genealogy are doing so for the first time. My goal is to ease the learning curve for your agency by functioning within three roles:
Case Management
I can guide your team through the process, step by step, from the initial consultation to the final resolution
I can communicate directly with the forensic lab to ensure all requirements of both parties are met
Genetic Genealogy
Most importantly, I can turn a list of genetic matches into a list of leads to investigate